
Mark Bradford

Sikkema Jenkins Gallery
530 West 22nd Street

The exhibit "Nobody Jones" by Los Angeles artist Mark Bradford includes six mammoth size works on canvases stretching up to 100-x-150-inches. Each dated 2007, they contrast winding swarms of irregular shapes and lines with monochromatic borders. In Ghost Money the busy swarm or megacity sprawl is abruptly gated, only a few lines breach into the outskirts. Another composition titled Boreas encloses a more relaxed network of lines in what looks like a coat of aluminum weatherproofing.

Up close, the artist's topographical surfaces reveal a braided swath of analog gatherings. Remnants of paper advertisements are recognizable however the sales pitches are mostly obscured through reuse. Intricately layering all these collaged sources may have combined sanding and scraping. In a backroom, a warped paper stratification headlines James Brown's obituary.